
Stone Fence Theatre
Stone Fence Theatre2 weeks ago
This song, from our 2023 show, Conspiracy Conniptions, seems particularly appropriate at the moment.

Stone Fence Theatre
Canada is Love, by Sarah and The Canadairs
Canada Is Love is a musical Canada Day statement from rural Canada from Stone Fence TheatreNEWS RELEASE FROM STONE FENCE THEATREBARRY’S BAY, ON, July 1, 2022…
Stone Fence Theatre
Stone Fence Theatre1 month ago
If you’re near Killaloe next Tuesday afternoon, come join Stone Fencers Derek, Peter and Ish and friends for some good tunes.
Stone Fence Theatre
Stone Fence Theatre3 months ago
Please consider becoming a Stone Fence Patron, if you haven’t done so already. Patrons are our donors. They have kept us going through more than two decades of good and bad times. Patrons get first dibs on tickets when they go on sale, recognition in our show program, a charitable tax receipt, and, of course, the satisfaction of helping us continue to create Ottawa Valley magic.

You can contribute online, by phone at 613-401-1997 (or toll-free at 1-866-310-1004), or, now that the mail is running again, by sending a cheque to Stone Fence Theatre, PO Box 184, Killaloe, ON K0J 2A0. Whatever and however you celebrate, we wish you the best for the season and the New Year and look forward to sharing great times with you again before too long. Thanks from the Stone Fence family!
Stone Fence Theatre
Stone Fence Theatre3 months ago
We have some holiday fun to share with you. Check out the History page on our website.

It’s been under construction for a while. Now, it’s fairly complete, with photos and descriptions of most of the many, many shows we’ve developed since 2003.

In 2025, we plan to relive a bit of our history. First, Miss Pringle’s Mini-Skirt, by Johanna Zomers, is going on a tour of the Valley with stops on April 27 in Rankin, May 4 in Deep River, May 11 in Arnprior, May 25 in Maynooth and June 1 in Almonte.

Then, in summer and fall, we plan to bring back an updated version one of our most popular shows, High Times at the Heart Institute, by Ish Theilheimer. Written and originally produced for a limited run in 2016, it is a musical comedy tribute to Canada’s health care system inspired by Ish’s own experience as a patient at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. We will let you know as soon as tickets become available for both shows.
Stone Fence Theatre
Stone Fence Theatre4 months ago
Here’s a trailer that describes Miss Pringle’s Mini-Skirt. We’re hoping other theatres will want to put on this great show by Johanna Zomers. Thanks to our brilliant tech directors, Terry Mask, for putting this together.
Stone Fence Theatre
Stone Fence Theatre
Stone Fence Theatre5 months ago
It’s a wrap! Sunday was our last performance of the season of Miss Pringle’s Mini-Skirt, with another sellout crowd. What an awesome group to work with. Thanks to all our actors, crew and volunteers for 10 months of worthwhile effort, and thanks to all our audience members, sponsors and Patrons for making it possible. (Photo by Sarah Bennett)